1. For get current volume level command = getvolume response = Current Volume: 18 2. for setvolume directly command = setvolume**21 (setvolume**volume) response = Volume set to: 19 3. for increment and decrement volume manually '+' command for increment response = Volume: 20 '-' command for decrement response = Volume: 19 4. For play MP3 file stored in spiffs inside 'mp3' folder command = play**filename (play**1.mp3) 5. For delete MP3 files command = delete**foldername**filename (delete**mp3**1.mp3) response = Full path to delete: /mp3/1.mp3 File deleted: /mp3/1.mp3 6. For delete JPEG files command = delete**foldername**filename (delete**images**2.jpeg) response = Full path to delete: /images/2.jpeg File deleted: /images/2.jpeg 7. For get information about jpeg files stored in spiffs command = fileinfo response = { "images": [ { "filename": "1.jpeg", "size": 94597 }, { "filename": "2.jpeg", "size": 20350 }, { "filename": "3.jpeg", "size": 61545 }, { "filename": "4.jpeg", "size": 86536 } ], "totalBytes": 1799921, "usedBytes": 521578, "availableBytes": 1278343 } 8. For get information about mp3 files stored in spiffs command = fileinfomp3 response = { "mp3files": [ { "filename": "1.mp3", "size": 103016 }, { "filename": "2.mp3", "size": 149667 } ], "totalBytes": 1799921, "usedBytes": 521578, "availableBytes": 1278343 } 8. For upload JPEG files in spiffs inside 'images' folder command = sending**1.jpeg**14114**1024 (sending**filename**filesize**chunksize) response = "ok" after each chunk 9. For upload MP3 files in spiffs inside 'mp3' folder command = sendingaudio**1.mp3**14114**1024 (sendingaudio**filename**filesize**chunksize) response = "ok" after each chunk 10. For start rotation command = startrotation response = Command received. Starting rotation mode... 11. For stop rotation command = stoprotation response = Rotation mode stopped. 12. For upload image in Ram/buffer and display command = startsendingfile welcome.jpeg 16771 (startsendingfile filename.jpeg filesize) Response = Command received. Preparing to receive file... send image in chunk final response = Image Displayed Successfully 13. For upload mp3 file in Ram/buffer command = startsendingaudio welcome.jpeg 16771 (startsendingaudio filename.jpeg filesize) Response = Command received. Preparing to receive file... send image in chunk final response = MP3 Data received successfully 14. For Check available memory command = freesize response = 1278343 exit 15. For set timer in seconds command = settimer**seconds (settimer**2) response = New timer set to 2 seconds. exit