3.5 inch Dynamic QR Code Display - USB (Model: BEI-CFD-001-USB)
Java Example:
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import com.fazecast.jSerialComm.SerialPort;
public class SerialCommunication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Set up the serial connection
String comPort = "COM3"; // Replace "COMX" with the actual COM port of your device
int baudRate = 115200; // Replace with the appropriate baud rate
SerialPort serialPort = SerialPort.getCommPort(comPort);
// Open the serial port
if (serialPort.openPort()) {
System.out.println("Serial port opened successfully.");
} else {
System.err.println("Error opening serial port.");
// Create a reader for reading user input
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
// Define the commands and messages
String[] commands = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "0" };
String[] messages = {
// Print menu options
System.out.println("Press '1' for Welcome Message.");
System.out.println("Press '2' for Final Invoice Message.");
System.out.println("Press '3' for To Pay QR.");
System.out.println("Press '4' for Payment Success Message.");
System.out.println("Press '5' for Payment Fail Message.");
System.out.println("Press '6' for Payment Cancel Message.");
System.out.println("Press '0' to Exit.");
// Read line
while (true) {
try {
// Get user input
String choice = reader.readLine().trim();
// Validate user input
if (contains(commands, choice)) {
// Get the index of the command
int index = Integer.parseInt(choice);
if (index == 0) {
// Exit the program
} else {
// Get the command message
String command = messages[index - 1] + "\n";
// Send the command
serialPort.writeBytes(command.getBytes(), command.length());
// Wait for a response
// Read and print the response
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int bytesRead = serialPort.readBytes(buffer, buffer.length);
if (bytesRead > 0) {
String response = new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead).trim();
} else {
System.out.println("Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and 6.");
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
// Close the serial port
System.out.println("Serial port
private static boolean contains(String[] array, String target) {
for (String s : array) {
if (s.equals(target)) {
return true;
return false;
C# Example:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApp8
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Set up the serial connection
string comPort = "COM5"; // Replace "COMX" with the actual COM port of your device
int baudRate = 115200; // Replace with the appropriate baud rate
SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(comPort, baudRate);
Dictionary commands = new Dictionary()
{ "1", "welcome" },
{ "2", "final" },
{ "3", "to_pay" },
{ "4", "success" },
{ "5", "fail" },
{ "6", "cancel" },
{ "0", "exit" }
Dictionary messages = new Dictionary()
{ "welcome", "WelcomeScreen**bonrix" },
{ "final", "DisplayTotalScreen**2390.32**50**50**2390.32" },
{ "to_pay", "DisplayQRCodeScreen**upi://pay?pa=63270083167.payswiff@indus&pn=Bonrix&cu=INR&am=200&pn=Bonrix%20Software%20Systems**200**7418529631@icici" },
{ "success", "DisplaySuccessQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023" },
{ "fail", "DisplayFailQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023" },
{ "cancel", "DisplayCancelQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023" }
Console.WriteLine("Press '0' to Exit.");
Console.WriteLine("Press '1' for Welcome Message.");
Console.WriteLine("Press '2' for Final Invoice Message.");
Console.WriteLine("Press '3' for To Pay QR.");
Console.WriteLine("Press '4' for Payment Success Message.");
Console.WriteLine("Press '5' for Payment Fail Message.");
Console.WriteLine("Press '6' for Payment Cancel Message.");
while (true)
Console.Write("Enter command number (1-6): ");
string choice = Console.ReadLine();
if (commands.ContainsKey(choice))
string commandKey = commands[choice];
if (commandKey == "exit")
string command = messages[commandKey] ;
string response = serialPort.ReadLine().Trim();
Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and 6.");
Python Example:
import serial
# Set up the serial connection
com_port = 'COM3' # Replace 'COMX' with the actual COM port of your device
baud_rate = 115200 # Replace with the appropriate baud rate
ser = serial.Serial(com_port, baud_rate)
commands = {
'1': "welcome",
'2': "final",
'3': "to_pay",
'4': "success",
'5': "fail",
'6': "cancel",
'0': "exit"
messages = {
'welcome': "WelcomeScreen**bonrix",
'final': "DisplayTotalScreen**2390.32**50**50**2390.32",
'to_pay': "DisplayQRCodeScreen**upi://pay?pa=63270083167.payswiff@indus&pn=Bonrix&cu=INR&am=200&pn=Bonrix%20Software%20Systems**200**7418529631@icici",
'success': "DisplaySuccessQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023",
'fail': "DisplayFailQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023",
'cancel': "DisplayCancelQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023"
print("Press '1' for Welcome Message.")
print("Press '2' for Final Invoice Message.")
print("Press '3' for To Pay QR.")
print("Press '4' for Payment Success Message.")
print("Press '5' for Payment Fail Message.")
print("Press '6' for Payment Cancel Message.")
print("Press '0' to Exit.")
# Read line
while True:
# Get user input
choice = input("Enter command number (1-6): ")
# Validate user input
if choice in commands:
# Get the command key based on user choice
command_key = commands[choice]
if command_key == 'exit':
# Get the command message based on the command key
command = messages[command_key]
# Send the command
command += '\n' # Add newline character
# Read and print the response
response = ser.readline().decode().strip()
print("Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and 6.")
# Close the serial connection (this will never be reached in the current code structure)
node.js Example:
import {SerialPort} from 'serialport';
import readline from 'readline';
const sp = new SerialPort({
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
const commands = {
'1': 'welcome',
'2': 'final',
'3': 'to_pay',
'4': 'success',
'5': 'fail',
'6': 'cancel',
'0': 'exit'
const messages = {
'welcome': 'WelcomeScreen**bonrix',
'final': 'DisplayTotalScreen**2390.32**50**50**2390.32',
'to_pay': 'DisplayQRCodeScreen**upi://pay?pa=63270083167.payswiff@indus&pn=Bonrix&cu=INR&am=200&pn=Bonrix%20Software%20Systems**200**7418529631@icici',
'success': 'DisplaySuccessQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023',
'fail': 'DisplayFailQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023',
'cancel': 'DisplayCancelQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023'
console.log("Press '1' for Welcome Message.");
console.log("Press '2' for Final Invoice Message.");
console.log("Press '3' for To Pay QR.");
console.log("Press '4' for Payment Success Message.");
console.log("Press '5' for Payment Fail Message.");
console.log("Press '6' for Payment Cancel Message.");
console.log("Press '0' to Exit.");
sp.on("open", function() {
console.log("Port opened. Enter a command number:");
rl.on('line', (input) => {
const command = commands[input.trim()];
if(command == "exit"){
if (command) {
const messageToSend = messages[command]+'\n';
sp.write(messageToSend, function(err){
if (err) {
return console.log('Error on write: ', err.message);
console.log('Message sent: ', messageToSend);
} else {
console.log('Invalid command. Please enter a valid command number.');
sp.on('data', function(data){
var enc = new TextDecoder();
var arr = new Uint8Array(data);
var received = enc.decode(arr);
console.log('Data received: ', received);
// sp.on('readable', function () {
// console.log('Data2:', sp.read());
// });
Visual Basic 6 Example:
Dim comPort As String
Dim baudRate As Integer
Dim serialPort As MSComm
Set serialPort = New MSComm
comPort = "COM5" ' Replace "COMX" with the actual COM port of your device
baudRate = 115200 ' Replace with the appropriate baud rate
serialPort.CommPort = Val(Mid(comPort, 4))
serialPort.Settings = "9600,N,8,1"
serialPort.PortOpen = True
Dim commands As New Collection
Dim messages As New Collection
' Initializing commands dictionary
commands.Add "welcome", "1"
commands.Add "final", "2"
commands.Add "to_pay", "3"
commands.Add "success", "4"
commands.Add "fail", "5"
commands.Add "cancel", "6"
commands.Add "exit", "0"
' Initializing messages dictionary
messages.Add "WelcomeScreen**bonrix", "welcome"
messages.Add "DisplayTotalScreen**2390.32**50**50**2390.32", "final"
messages.Add "DisplayQRCodeScreen**upi://pay?pa=63270083167.payswiff@indus&pn=Bonrix&cu=INR&am=200&pn=Bonrix%20Software%20Systems**200**7418529631@icici", "to_pay"
messages.Add "DisplaySuccessQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023", "success"
messages.Add "DisplayFailQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023", "fail"
messages.Add "DisplayCancelQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023", "cancel"
Debug.Print "Press '0' to Exit."
Debug.Print "Press '1' for Welcome Message."
Debug.Print "Press '2' for Final Invoice Message."
Debug.Print "Press '3' for To Pay QR."
Debug.Print "Press '4' for Payment Success Message."
Debug.Print "Press '5' for Payment Fail Message."
Debug.Print "Press '6' for Payment Cancel Message."
Dim choice As String
Debug.Print "Enter command number (1-6): ";
Input choice
Loop Until IsNumeric(choice) And commands.Exists(choice)
Dim commandKey As String
commandKey = commands.Item(choice)
If commandKey = "exit" Then
serialPort.PortOpen = False
Unload Me
Dim command As String
command = messages.Item(commandKey)
serialPort.Output = command & vbCrLf
Dim response As String
response = response & serialPort.Input
Loop Until InStr(response, vbCrLf) > 0
response = Trim(response)
Debug.Print response
End If
VB.NET Example:
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.IO.Ports
Namespace ConsoleApp8
Class Program
Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
' Set up the serial connection
Dim comPort As String = "COM5" ' Replace "COMX" with the actual COM port of your device
Dim baudRate As Integer = 115200 ' Replace with the appropriate baud rate
Dim serialPort As New SerialPort(comPort, baudRate)
Dim commands As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
{"1", "welcome"},
{"2", "final"},
{"3", "to_pay"},
{"4", "success"},
{"5", "fail"},
{"6", "cancel"},
{"0", "exit"}
Dim messages As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
{"welcome", "WelcomeScreen**bonrix"},
{"final", "DisplayTotalScreen**2390.32**50**50**2390.32"},
{"to_pay", "DisplayQRCodeScreen**upi://pay?pa=63270083167.payswiff@indus&pn=Bonrix&cu=INR&am=200&pn=Bonrix%20Software%20Systems**200**7418529631@icici"},
{"success", "DisplaySuccessQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023"},
{"fail", "DisplayFailQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023"},
{"cancel", "DisplayCancelQRCodeScreen**1234567890**ORD10594565**29-03-2023"}
Console.WriteLine("Press '0' to Exit.")
Console.WriteLine("Press '1' for Welcome Message.")
Console.WriteLine("Press '2' for Final Invoice Message.")
Console.WriteLine("Press '3' for To Pay QR.")
Console.WriteLine("Press '4' for Payment Success Message.")
Console.WriteLine("Press '5' for Payment Fail Message.")
Console.WriteLine("Press '6' for Payment Cancel Message.")
While True
Console.Write("Enter command number (1-6): ")
Dim choice As String = Console.ReadLine()
If commands.ContainsKey(choice) Then
Dim commandKey As String = commands(choice)
If commandKey = "exit" Then
Dim command As String = messages(commandKey)
Dim response As String = serialPort.ReadLine().Trim()
End If
Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and 6.")
End If
End While
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace